Brown & Michaels, PC Continues to Embrace Remote Working and Physical Headquarters

Many articles and much research identify the benefits of and trend toward remote working in the legal industry (see, e.g.,,,, accessed May 19, 2022). Pre-Covid, Brown & Michaels, PC recognized these benefits and began upgrading its technology to efficiently enable remote work. Post-Covid, Brown & Michaels, PC, continues to fully embrace remote working. Simultaneously, Brown & Michaels, PC continues to rely on its Ithaca headquarters. We envision flexibly utilizing in-person and remote capabilities moving forward, offering the physical workspace to both employees and clients while productively capitalizing on our remote work technology, including our full suite of cloud-based billing, document management systems, and Microsoft Office and Teams prescriptions, the latter of which integrate our email, phones, calendars, and videoconferencing. We are prepared to serve our clients according to their preference, while maximizing our efficiency and quality and minimizing our costs.

Last updated: Thu, 19 May 2022