Patent number: 9111004

Temporal scope translation of meta-models using semantic web technologies

Original Assignee: International Business Machines Corporation

Field of technology: Computer Software

Patent granted on: Tue, 18 Aug 2015

Patent drawing


Implementation of a meta-model service of a service oriented architecture industry model repository into a web ontology language representation of at least one topic map meta-model into a plurality of temporal scope topic map meta-models representing states of the at least one topic map meta-model at different times. The implementation includes assigning topics, occurrences, and attributes from the meta-model service to the at least one topic map meta-model. The topics, occurrences, and attributes are assigned from the at least one topic map meta-model to plurality of temporal scope topic map meta-models. The topics, occurrences, and attributes from the plurality of temporal scope topic map meta-models are converted into resource description framework triples; and the resource description framework triples are persisted into the resource description framework repository.